A New Chapter for OF: Meet Our Editorial Team
Dear colleagues, readers, authors, and reviewers,
We are delighted to announce our appointment as the new Editors-in-Chief of Ornis Fennica. Our Editor-in-Chief Team includes Dr. Céline Arzel, Docent in Wildlife Research and Management from the Department of Biology of the University of Turku, Dr. Elina Mäntylä, researcher of bird ecology from the University of Turku, and Dr. Mia Rönkä, Adjunct Professor in Environmental Ecology from the Biodiversity Unit of the University of Turku.
With us starts the new Technical Editor, Amalie Ask from Department of Biology of the University of Turku.
Founded in 1924, Ornis Fennica has a long history in publishing research on the ecology, behaviour and biogeography of birds. We are looking forward to advancing the journal’s development, strengthening its scope and enhancing its international focus.
Our heartfelt acknowledgements to Patrik Karell, who did excellent work as the previous Editor-in-Chief, and to the great previous Technical Editor Maija Toivanen.
We are looking forward to collaborating with all of you to support ornithology and the research, management, and conservation of birds.
Céline Arzel, Elina Mäntylä & Mia Rönkä