Population and colony site dynamics in Black-headed Gulls Larus ridibundus breeding on the Finnish west coast


  • J. Ulfvens


Population and colony site parameters were examined in an inshore Black-headed Gull population over a period of 7 years. The population varied from 946 to 1445 pairs, but there was no significant difference in colony sizes between years. On average, the colonies contained 79-111 pairs each year. The gulls occupied a total of 24 breeding islands (26 colonies) in 7 years, which comprises 13% of the total islands in the study area . Each year 71-92% (mean 79%) of the colonies were situated in old sites, and 8- 29% (mean 21 %) in new ones. The most common reason for disappearance of colonies was overgrowth of the nesting islets, caused by manuring of the islands by the gulls.
Research articles



How to Cite

Ulfvens, J. (1993). Population and colony site dynamics in Black-headed Gulls Larus ridibundus breeding on the Finnish west coast. Ornis Fennica, 70(2), 96–101. Retrieved from https://ornisfennica.journal.fi/article/view/133369