Ligature use in food studies of precocial birds-methodological results from Antarctic skua chicks


  • K. Reinhard


This paper is the first methodological investigation of the ligature application for food studies in semi-precocial birds. In a population of Brown Skuas, South Polar Skuas and mixed pairs, ligatures were attached to chicks for a period of 28 hours. Of 408 theoretical sampling visits, 8% could not be carried out. The number of times the ligature was applied did not cause differences in mortality of chicks nor did I find a growth difference for treated and untreated chicks . The method did not work equally well for three skua forms with different diets. Parent birds disgorged food equally often to ligatured and control chicks . This method is probably less accurate when used for diets with a high proportion of fish. While I was applying the ligature, body weight loss showed a non-linear decline, with a drop appearing in the first hours after application. The chicks may compensate for weight loss . In chicks whose stomachs were flushed after ligature use, no food was found, leading to the assumption that the ligature method is highly efficient. A projection of the total food consumption by field data revealed values of only 45% (Brown Skua) and 25% (South Polar Skua) of that of the model by Drent and others (1992) . The advantages and disadvantages of ligaturing are discussed in regard to its further use in precocial birds.
Research articles



How to Cite

Reinhard, K. (1998). Ligature use in food studies of precocial birds-methodological results from Antarctic skua chicks. Ornis Fennica, 75(2), 69–75. Retrieved from